
UpdatePolicies updates policies

message MsgUpdatePolicies {
	string creator = 1;
	Policies policies = 2;

UpdateChainInfo updates the chain info object If the provided chain does not exist in the chain info object, it is added If the chain already exists in the chain info object, it is updated

message MsgUpdateChainInfo {
	string creator = 1;
	pkg.chains.Chain chain = 3;

RemoveChainInfo removes the chain info for the specified chain id

message MsgRemoveChainInfo {
	string creator = 1;
	int64 chain_id = 2;

AddAuthorization defines a method to add an authorization.If the authorization already exists, it will be overwritten with the provided policy. This should be called by the admin policy account.

message MsgAddAuthorization {
	string creator = 1;
	string msg_url = 2;
	PolicyType authorized_policy = 3;

RemoveAuthorization removes the authorization from the list. It should be called by the admin policy account.

message MsgRemoveAuthorization {
	string creator = 1;
	string msg_url = 2;