
Zetacore Daemon (server)


  -h, --help                help for zetacored
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Add a genesis account to genesis.json


Add a genesis account to genesis.json. The provided account must specify the account address or key name and a list of initial coins. If a key name is given, the address will be looked up in the local Keybase. The list of initial tokens must contain valid denominations. Accounts may optionally be supplied with vesting parameters.

zetacored add-genesis-account [address_or_key_name] [coin][,[coin]] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string         the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure            allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int               Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help                     help for add-genesis-account
      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test) 
      --node string              [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --vesting-amount string    amount of coins for vesting accounts
      --vesting-end-time int     schedule end time (unix epoch) for vesting accounts
      --vesting-start-time int   schedule start time (unix epoch) for vesting accounts

Options inherited from parent commands

      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Add a list of observers to the observer mapper ,default path is ~/.zetacored/os_info/observer_info.json

zetacored add-observer-list [observer-list.json]  [flags]


  -h, --help                help for add-observer-list
      --keygen-block int    set keygen block , default is 20 (default 20)
      --tss-pubkey string   set TSS pubkey if using older keygen

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


convert a zeta1xxx address to validator operator address zetavaloper1xxx


read a zeta1xxx or zetavaloper1xxx address and convert it to the other type; it always outputs three lines; the first line is the zeta1xxx address, the second line is the zetavaloper1xxx address and the third line is the ethereum address.

zetacored addr-conversion [zeta address] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for addr-conversion

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Collect genesis txs and output a genesis.json file

zetacored collect-gentxs [flags]


      --gentx-dir string   override default "gentx" directory from which collect and execute genesis transactions; default [--home]/config/gentx/
  -h, --help               help for collect-gentxs
      --home string        The application home directory 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


collect observer info into the genesis from a folder , default path is ~/.zetacored/os_info/

zetacored collect-observer-info [folder] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for collect-observer-info

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Create or query an application CLI configuration file

zetacored config [key] [value] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for config

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Tool for helping with debugging your application

zetacored debug [flags]


  -h, --help   help for debug

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Convert an address between hex and bech32


Convert an address between hex encoding and bech32.

Example: $ zetacored debug addr cosmos1e0jnq2sun3dzjh8p2xq95kk0expwmd7shwjpfg

zetacored debug addr [address] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for addr

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


List prefixes used for Human-Readable Part (HRP) in Bech32


List prefixes used in Bech32 addresses.

zetacored debug prefixes [flags]


$ zetacored debug prefixes


  -h, --help   help for prefixes

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Decode a pubkey from proto JSON


Decode a pubkey from proto JSON and display it's address.

Example: $ zetacored debug pubkey '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AurroA7jvfPd1AadmmOvWM2rJSwipXfRf8yD6pLbA2DJ"}'

zetacored debug pubkey [pubkey] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for pubkey

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Decode a ED25519 or secp256k1 pubkey from hex, base64, or bech32


Decode a pubkey from hex, base64, or bech32. Example: zetacoreddebugpubkeyrawTWFuIGlzIGRpc3Rpbmd1aXNoZWQsIG5vdCBvbmx5IGJ5IGhpcyByZWFzb24sIGJ1dCBieSB0aGlzzetacored debug pubkey-raw TWFuIGlzIGRpc3Rpbmd1aXNoZWQsIG5vdCBvbmx5IGJ5IGhpcyByZWFzb24sIGJ1dCBieSB0aGlz zetacored debug pubkey-raw cosmos1e0jnq2sun3dzjh8p2xq95kk0expwmd7shwjpfg

zetacored debug pubkey-raw [pubkey] -t [{ed25519, secp256k1}] [flags]


  -h, --help          help for pubkey-raw
  -t, --type string   Pubkey type to decode (oneof secp256k1, ed25519) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Convert raw bytes output (eg. [10 21 13 255]) to hex


Convert raw-bytes to hex.

Example: $ zetacored debug raw-bytes [72 101 108 108 111 44 32 112 108 97 121 103 114 111 117 110 100]

zetacored debug raw-bytes [raw-bytes] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for raw-bytes

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Generate markdown documentation for zetacored

zetacored docs [path] [flags]


  -h, --help          help for docs
      --path string   Path where the docs will be generated 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Export state to JSON

zetacored export [flags]


      --for-zero-height              Export state to start at height zero (perform preproccessing)
      --height int                   Export state from a particular height (-1 means latest height) (default -1)
  -h, --help                         help for export
      --home string                  The application home directory 
      --jail-allowed-addrs strings   Comma-separated list of operator addresses of jailed validators to unjail
      --modules-to-export strings    Comma-separated list of modules to export. If empty, will export all modules
      --output-document string       Exported state is written to the given file instead of STDOUT

Options inherited from parent commands

      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Generate a genesis tx carrying a self delegation


Generate a genesis transaction that creates a validator with a self-delegation, that is signed by the key in the Keyring referenced by a given name. A node ID and Bech32 consensus pubkey may optionally be provided. If they are omitted, they will be retrieved from the priv_validator.json file. The following default parameters are included:

delegation amount:           100000000stake
commission rate:             0.1
commission max rate:         0.2
commission max change rate:  0.01
minimum self delegation:     1

Example: $ zetacored gentx my-key-name 1000000stake --home=/path/to/home/dir --keyring-backend=os --chain-id=test-chain-1

zetacored gentx [key_name] [amount] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint                 The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --amount string                       Amount of coins to bond
      --aux                                 Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string               Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string                     The network chain ID
      --commission-max-change-rate string   The maximum commission change rate percentage (per day)
      --commission-max-rate string          The maximum commission rate percentage
      --commission-rate string              The initial commission rate percentage
      --details string                      The validator's (optional) details
      --dry-run                             ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string                  Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string                    Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string                         Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string                         Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string                          gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float                adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string                   Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only                       Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                                help for gentx
      --home string                         The application home directory 
      --identity string                     The (optional) identity signature (ex. UPort or Keybase)
      --ip string                           The node's public P2P IP 
      --keyring-backend string              Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string                  The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                              Use a connected Ledger device
      --min-self-delegation string          The minimum self delegation required on the validator
      --moniker string                      The validator's (optional) moniker
      --node string                         [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --node-id string                      The node's NodeID
      --note string                         Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                             Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
      --output-document string              Write the genesis transaction JSON document to the given file instead of the default location
      --p2p-port uint                       The node's public P2P port (default 26656)
      --pubkey string                       The validator's Protobuf JSON encoded public key
      --security-contact string             The validator's (optional) security contact email
  -s, --sequence uint                       The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string                    Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint                 Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string                          Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
      --website string                      The validator's (optional) website
  -y, --yes                                 Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Get the node account public key

zetacored get-pubkey [tssKeyName] [password] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for get-pubkey

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Index historical eth txs


Index historical eth txs, it only support two traverse direction to avoid creating gaps in the indexer db if using arbitrary block ranges: - backward: index the blocks from the first indexed block to the earliest block in the chain, if indexer db is empty, start from the latest block. - forward: index the blocks from the latest indexed block to latest block in the chain.

	When start the node, the indexer start from the latest indexed block to avoid creating gap.
    Backward mode should be used most of the time, so the latest indexed block is always up-to-date.
zetacored index-eth-tx [backward|forward] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for index-eth-tx

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Initialize private validator, p2p, genesis, and application configuration files


Initialize validators's and node's configuration files.

zetacored init [moniker] [flags]


      --chain-id string        genesis file chain-id, if left blank will be randomly created
      --default-denom string   genesis file default denomination, if left blank default value is 'stake'
  -h, --help                   help for init
      --home string            node's home directory 
      --initial-height int     specify the initial block height at genesis (default 1)
  -o, --overwrite              overwrite the genesis.json file
      --recover                provide seed phrase to recover existing key instead of creating

Options inherited from parent commands

      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Manage your application's keys


Keyring management commands. These keys may be in any format supported by the Tendermint crypto library and can be used by light-clients, full nodes, or any other application that needs to sign with a private key.

The keyring supports the following backends:

os          Uses the operating system's default credentials store.
file        Uses encrypted file-based keystore within the app's configuration directory.
            This keyring will request a password each time it is accessed, which may occur
            multiple times in a single command resulting in repeated password prompts.
kwallet     Uses KDE Wallet Manager as a credentials management application.
pass        Uses the pass command line utility to store and retrieve keys.
test        Stores keys insecurely to disk. It does not prompt for a password to be unlocked
            and it should be use only for testing purposes.

kwallet and pass backends depend on external tools. Refer to their respective documentation for more information: KWallet (opens in a new tab) pass (opens in a new tab)

The pass backend requires GnuPG: (opens in a new tab)


  -h, --help                     help for keys
      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --output string            Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


zetacored keys  [flags]


  -h, --help   help for this command

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --log_format string        The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string         The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color             Disable colored logs
      --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --trace                    print out full stack trace on errors


Add an encrypted private key (either newly generated or recovered), encrypt it, and save to [name] file


Derive a new private key and encrypt to disk. Optionally specify a BIP39 mnemonic, a BIP39 passphrase to further secure the mnemonic, and a bip32 HD path to derive a specific account. The key will be stored under the given name and encrypted with the given password. The only input that is required is the encryption password.

If run with -i, it will prompt the user for BIP44 path, BIP39 mnemonic, and passphrase. The flag --recover allows one to recover a key from a seed passphrase. If run with --dry-run, a key would be generated (or recovered) but not stored to the local keystore. Use the --pubkey flag to add arbitrary public keys to the keystore for constructing multisig transactions.

You can create and store a multisig key by passing the list of key names stored in a keyring and the minimum number of signatures required through --multisig-threshold. The keys are sorted by address, unless the flag --nosort is set. Example:

keys add mymultisig --multisig "keyname1,keyname2,keyname3" --multisig-threshold 2
zetacored keys add [name] [flags]


      --account uint32           Account number for HD derivation (less than equal 2147483647)
      --coin-type uint32         coin type number for HD derivation (default 118)
      --dry-run                  Perform action, but don't add key to local keystore
      --hd-path string           Manual HD Path derivation (overrides BIP44 config) 
  -h, --help                     help for add
      --index uint32             Address index number for HD derivation (less than equal 2147483647)
  -i, --interactive              Interactively prompt user for BIP39 passphrase and mnemonic
      --key-type string          Key signing algorithm to generate keys for 
      --ledger                   Store a local reference to a private key on a Ledger device
      --multisig strings         List of key names stored in keyring to construct a public legacy multisig key
      --multisig-threshold int   K out of N required signatures. For use in conjunction with --multisig (default 1)
      --no-backup                Don't print out seed phrase (if others are watching the terminal)
      --nosort                   Keys passed to --multisig are taken in the order they're supplied
      --pubkey string            Parse a public key in JSON format and saves key info to [name] file.
      --recover                  Provide seed phrase to recover existing key instead of creating

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --log_format string        The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string         The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color             Disable colored logs
      --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --trace                    print out full stack trace on errors


Delete the given keys


Delete keys from the Keybase backend.

Note that removing offline or ledger keys will remove only the public key references stored locally, i.e. private keys stored in a ledger device cannot be deleted with the CLI.

zetacored keys delete [name]... [flags]


  -f, --force   Remove the key unconditionally without asking for the passphrase. Deprecated.
  -h, --help    help for delete
  -y, --yes     Skip confirmation prompt when deleting offline or ledger key references

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --log_format string        The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string         The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color             Disable colored logs
      --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --trace                    print out full stack trace on errors


Export private keys


Export a private key from the local keyring in ASCII-armored encrypted format.

When both the --unarmored-hex and --unsafe flags are selected, cryptographic private key material is exported in an INSECURE fashion that is designed to allow users to import their keys in hot wallets. This feature is for advanced users only that are confident about how to handle private keys work and are FULLY AWARE OF THE RISKS. If you are unsure, you may want to do some research and export your keys in ASCII-armored encrypted format.

zetacored keys export [name] [flags]


  -h, --help            help for export
      --unarmored-hex   Export unarmored hex privkey. Requires --unsafe.
      --unsafe          Enable unsafe operations. This flag must be switched on along with all unsafe operation-specific options.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --log_format string        The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string         The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color             Disable colored logs
      --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --trace                    print out full stack trace on errors


Import private keys into the local keybase


Import a ASCII armored private key into the local keybase.

zetacored keys import [name] [keyfile] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for import

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --log_format string        The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string         The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color             Disable colored logs
      --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --trace                    print out full stack trace on errors


List all keys


Return a list of all public keys stored by this key manager along with their associated name and address.

zetacored keys list [flags]


  -h, --help         help for list
  -n, --list-names   List names only

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --log_format string        The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string         The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color             Disable colored logs
      --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --trace                    print out full stack trace on errors


Migrate keys from amino to proto serialization format


Migrate keys from Amino to Protocol Buffers records. For each key material entry, the command will check if the key can be deserialized using proto. If this is the case, the key is already migrated. Therefore, we skip it and continue with a next one. Otherwise, we try to deserialize it using Amino into LegacyInfo. If this attempt is successful, we serialize LegacyInfo to Protobuf serialization format and overwrite the keyring entry. If any error occurred, it will be outputted in CLI and migration will be continued until all keys in the keyring DB are exhausted. See (opens in a new tab) for more details.

It is recommended to run in 'dry-run' mode first to verify all key migration material.

zetacored keys migrate [flags]


  -h, --help   help for migrate

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --log_format string        The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string         The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color             Disable colored logs
      --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --trace                    print out full stack trace on errors


Compute the bip39 mnemonic for some input entropy


Create a bip39 mnemonic, sometimes called a seed phrase, by reading from the system entropy. To pass your own entropy, use --unsafe-entropy

zetacored keys mnemonic [flags]


  -h, --help             help for mnemonic
      --unsafe-entropy   Prompt the user to supply their own entropy, instead of relying on the system

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --log_format string        The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string         The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color             Disable colored logs
      --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --trace                    print out full stack trace on errors


Parse address from hex to bech32 and vice versa


Convert and print to stdout key addresses and fingerprints from hexadecimal into bech32 cosmos prefixed format and vice versa.

zetacored keys parse [hex-or-bech32-address] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for parse

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --log_format string        The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string         The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color             Disable colored logs
      --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --trace                    print out full stack trace on errors


Rename an existing key


Rename a key from the Keybase backend.

Note that renaming offline or ledger keys will rename only the public key references stored locally, i.e. private keys stored in a ledger device cannot be renamed with the CLI.

zetacored keys rename [old_name] [new_name] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for rename
  -y, --yes    Skip confirmation prompt when renaming offline or ledger key references

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --log_format string        The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string         The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color             Disable colored logs
      --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --trace                    print out full stack trace on errors


Retrieve key information by name or address


Display keys details. If multiple names or addresses are provided, then an ephemeral multisig key will be created under the name "multi" consisting of all the keys provided by name and multisig threshold.

zetacored keys show [name_or_address [name_or_address...]] [flags]


  -a, --address                  Output the address only (overrides --output)
      --bech string              The Bech32 prefix encoding for a key (acc|val|cons) 
  -d, --device                   Output the address in a ledger device
  -h, --help                     help for show
      --multisig-threshold int   K out of N required signatures (default 1)
  -p, --pubkey                   Output the public key only (overrides --output)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --log_format string        The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string         The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color             Disable colored logs
      --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --trace                    print out full stack trace on errors


UNSAFE Export an Ethereum private key


UNSAFE Export an Ethereum private key unencrypted to use in dev tooling

zetacored keys unsafe-export-eth-key [name] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for unsafe-export-eth-key

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --log_format string        The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string         The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color             Disable colored logs
      --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --trace                    print out full stack trace on errors


UNSAFE Import Ethereum private keys into the local keybase


UNSAFE Import a hex-encoded Ethereum private key into the local keybase.

zetacored keys unsafe-import-eth-key [name] [pk] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for unsafe-import-eth-key

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string              The application home directory 
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --log_format string        The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string         The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color             Disable colored logs
      --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --trace                    print out full stack trace on errors


Parse the provided genesis file and import the required data into the optionally provided genesis file

zetacored parse-genesis-file [import-genesis-file] [optional-genesis-file] [flags]


  -h, --help     help for parse-genesis-file
      --modify   modify the genesis file before importing

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying subcommands

zetacored query [flags]


      --chain-id string   The network chain ID
  -h, --help              help for query

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for account by address

zetacored query account [address] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for account
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the auth module

zetacored query auth [flags]


  -h, --help   help for auth

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for account by address

zetacored query auth account [address] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for account
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query all the accounts

zetacored query auth accounts [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in all-accounts to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for accounts
      --limit uint         pagination limit of all-accounts to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of all-accounts to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of all-accounts to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of all-accounts to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for an address by account number

zetacored query auth address-by-acc-num [acc-num] [flags]


zetacored q auth address-by-acc-num 1


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for address-by-acc-num
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query module account info by module name

zetacored query auth module-account [module-name] [flags]


zetacored q auth module-account auth


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for module-account
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query all module accounts

zetacored query auth module-accounts [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for module-accounts
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query the current auth parameters


Query the current auth parameters:

$ zetacored query auth params

zetacored query auth params [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for params
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the authority module

zetacored query authority [flags]


  -h, --help   help for authority

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


lists all authorizations

zetacored query authority list-authorizations [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-authorizations
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows the authorization for a given message URL

zetacored query authority show-authorization [msg-url] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-authorization
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


show the chain info

zetacored query authority show-chain-info [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-chain-info
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


show the policies

zetacored query authority show-policies [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-policies
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the authz module

zetacored query authz [flags]


  -h, --help   help for authz

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


query grants for a granter-grantee pair and optionally a msg-type-url


Query authorization grants for a granter-grantee pair. If msg-type-url is set, it will select grants only for that msg type. Examples: zetacoredqueryauthzgrantscosmos1skj..cosmos1skjwj..zetacored query authz grants cosmos1skj.. cosmos1skjwj.. zetacored query authz grants cosmos1skjw.. cosmos1skjwj.. /

zetacored query authz grants [granter-addr] [grantee-addr] [msg-type-url]? [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in grants to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for grants
      --limit uint         pagination limit of grants to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of grants to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of grants to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of grants to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


query authorization grants granted to a grantee


Query authorization grants granted to a grantee. Examples: $ zetacored q authz grants-by-grantee cosmos1skj..

zetacored query authz grants-by-grantee [grantee-addr] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in grantee-grants to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for grants-by-grantee
      --limit uint         pagination limit of grantee-grants to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of grantee-grants to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of grantee-grants to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of grantee-grants to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


query authorization grants granted by granter


Query authorization grants granted by granter. Examples: $ zetacored q authz grants-by-granter cosmos1skj..

zetacored query authz grants-by-granter [granter-addr] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in granter-grants to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for grants-by-granter
      --limit uint         pagination limit of granter-grants to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of granter-grants to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of granter-grants to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of granter-grants to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the bank module

zetacored query bank [flags]


  -h, --help   help for bank

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for account balances by address


Query the total balance of an account or of a specific denomination.

Example: zetacoredquerybankbalances[address]zetacored query bank balances [address] zetacored query bank balances [address] --denom=[denom]

zetacored query bank balances [address] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in all balances to query for
      --denom string       The specific balance denomination to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for balances
      --limit uint         pagination limit of all balances to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of all balances to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of all balances to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of all balances to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query the client metadata for coin denominations


Query the client metadata for all the registered coin denominations

Example: To query for the client metadata of all coin denominations use: $ zetacored query bank denom-metadata

To query for the client metadata of a specific coin denomination use: $ zetacored query bank denom-metadata --denom=[denom]

zetacored query bank denom-metadata [flags]


      --denom string       The specific denomination to query client metadata for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for denom-metadata
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for send enabled entries


Query for send enabled entries that have been specifically set.

To look up one or more specific denoms, supply them as arguments to this command. To look up all denoms, do not provide any arguments.

zetacored query bank send-enabled [denom1 ...] [flags]


Getting one specific entry:
  $ zetacored query bank send-enabled foocoin

Getting two specific entries:
  $ zetacored query bank send-enabled foocoin barcoin

Getting all entries:
  $ zetacored query bank send-enabled


      --count-total        count total number of records in send enabled entries to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for send-enabled
      --limit uint         pagination limit of send enabled entries to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of send enabled entries to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of send enabled entries to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of send enabled entries to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for account spendable balances by address

zetacored query bank spendable-balances [address] [flags]


$ zetacored query bank spendable-balances [address]


      --count-total        count total number of records in spendable balances to query for
      --denom string       The specific balance denomination to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for spendable-balances
      --limit uint         pagination limit of spendable balances to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of spendable balances to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of spendable balances to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of spendable balances to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query the total supply of coins of the chain


Query total supply of coins that are held by accounts in the chain.

Example: $ zetacored query bank total

To query for the total supply of a specific coin denomination use: $ zetacored query bank total --denom=[denom]

zetacored query bank total [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in all supply totals to query for
      --denom string       The specific balance denomination to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for total
      --limit uint         pagination limit of all supply totals to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of all supply totals to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of all supply totals to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of all supply totals to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Get verified data for the block at given height

zetacored query block [height] [flags]


  -h, --help          help for block
  -n, --node string   Node to connect to 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the crosschain module

zetacored query crosschain [flags]


  -h, --help   help for crosschain

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query zeta accounting

zetacored query crosschain get-zeta-accounting [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for get-zeta-accounting
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


query a cctx data from a inbound hash

zetacored query crosschain inbound-hash-to-cctx-data [inbound-hash] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for inbound-hash-to-cctx-data
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query last Zeta Height

zetacored query crosschain last-zeta-height [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for last-zeta-height
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows all inbound trackers

zetacored query crosschain list-all-inbound-trackers [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-all-inbound-trackers
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


list all CCTX

zetacored query crosschain list-cctx [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in list-cctx to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-cctx
      --limit uint         pagination limit of list-cctx to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of list-cctx to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of list-cctx to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of list-cctx to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


list all gasPrice

zetacored query crosschain list-gas-price [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in list-gas-price to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-gas-price
      --limit uint         pagination limit of list-gas-price to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of list-gas-price to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of list-gas-price to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of list-gas-price to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


list all inboundHashToCctx

zetacored query crosschain list-inbound-hash-to-cctx [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in list-inbound-hash-to-cctx to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-inbound-hash-to-cctx
      --limit uint         pagination limit of list-inbound-hash-to-cctx to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of list-inbound-hash-to-cctx to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of list-inbound-hash-to-cctx to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of list-inbound-hash-to-cctx to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows a list of inbound trackers by chainId

zetacored query crosschain list-inbound-tracker [chainId] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in list-inbound-tracker [chainId] to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-inbound-tracker
      --limit uint         pagination limit of list-inbound-tracker [chainId] to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of list-inbound-tracker [chainId] to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of list-inbound-tracker [chainId] to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of list-inbound-tracker [chainId] to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


list all outbound trackers

zetacored query crosschain list-outbound-tracker [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in list-outbound-tracker to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-outbound-tracker
      --limit uint         pagination limit of list-outbound-tracker to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of list-outbound-tracker to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of list-outbound-tracker to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of list-outbound-tracker to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows pending CCTX

zetacored query crosschain list-pending-cctx [chain-id] [limit] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-pending-cctx
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


list all pending CCTX within rate limit

zetacored query crosschain list_pending_cctx_within_rate_limit [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list_pending_cctx_within_rate_limit
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows a CCTX

zetacored query crosschain show-cctx [index] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-cctx
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows a gasPrice

zetacored query crosschain show-gas-price [index] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-gas-price
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows a inboundHashToCctx

zetacored query crosschain show-inbound-hash-to-cctx [inbound-hash] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-inbound-hash-to-cctx
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows an inbound tracker by chainID and txHash

zetacored query crosschain show-inbound-tracker [chainID] [txHash] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-inbound-tracker
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows an outbound tracker

zetacored query crosschain show-outbound-tracker [chainId] [nonce] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-outbound-tracker
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows the rate limiter flags

zetacored query crosschain show-rate-limiter-flags [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-rate-limiter-flags
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the distribution module

zetacored query distribution [flags]


  -h, --help   help for distribution

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query distribution validator commission


Query validator commission rewards from delegators to that validator.

Example: $ zetacored query distribution commission zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj

zetacored query distribution commission [validator] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for commission
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query the amount of coins in the community pool


Query all coins in the community pool which is under Governance control.

Example: $ zetacored query distribution community-pool

zetacored query distribution community-pool [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for community-pool
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query distribution params

zetacored query distribution params [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for params
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query all distribution delegator rewards or rewards from a particular validator


Query all rewards earned by a delegator, optionally restrict to rewards from a single validator.

Example: zetacoredquerydistributionrewardszeta1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ld75ru9pzetacored query distribution rewards zeta1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ld75ru9p zetacored query distribution rewards zeta1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ld75ru9p zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj

zetacored query distribution rewards [delegator-addr] [validator-addr] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for rewards
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query distribution validator slashes


Query all slashes of a validator for a given block range.

Example: $ zetacored query distribution slashes zetavalopervaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj 0 100

zetacored query distribution slashes [validator] [start-height] [end-height] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in validator slashes to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for slashes
      --limit uint         pagination limit of validator slashes to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of validator slashes to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of validator slashes to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of validator slashes to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query validator distribution info


Query validator distribution info. Example: $ zetacored query distribution validator-distribution-info zetavaloper1lwjmdnks33xwnmfayc64ycprww49n33mtm92ne

zetacored query distribution validator-distribution-info [validator] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for validator-distribution-info
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query distribution outstanding (un-withdrawn) rewards for a validator and all their delegations


Query distribution outstanding (un-withdrawn) rewards for a validator and all their delegations.

Example: $ zetacored query distribution validator-outstanding-rewards zetavaloper1lwjmdnks33xwnmfayc64ycprww49n33mtm92ne

zetacored query distribution validator-outstanding-rewards [validator] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for validator-outstanding-rewards
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the emissions module

zetacored query emissions [flags]


  -h, --help   help for emissions

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query list-pool-addresses

zetacored query emissions list-pool-addresses [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-pool-addresses
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows the parameters of the module

zetacored query emissions params [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for params
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query show-available-emissions

zetacored query emissions show-available-emissions [address] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-available-emissions
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for evidence by hash or for all (paginated) submitted evidence


Query for specific submitted evidence by hash or query for all (paginated) evidence:

Example: zetacoredqueryevidenceDF0C23E8634E480F84B9D5674A7CDC9816466DEC28A3358F73260F68D28D7660zetacored query evidence DF0C23E8634E480F84B9D5674A7CDC9816466DEC28A3358F73260F68D28D7660 zetacored query evidence --page=2 --limit=50

zetacored query evidence [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in evidence to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for evidence
      --limit uint         pagination limit of evidence to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of evidence to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of evidence to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of evidence to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the evm module

zetacored query evm [flags]


  -h, --help   help for evm

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Gets code from an account


Gets code from an account. If the height is not provided, it will use the latest height from context.

zetacored query evm code ADDRESS [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for code
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Get the evm params


Get the evm parameter values.

zetacored query evm params [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for params
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Gets storage for an account with a given key and height


Gets storage for an account with a given key and height. If the height is not provided, it will use the latest height from context.

zetacored query evm storage ADDRESS KEY [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for storage
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the fee market module

zetacored query feemarket [flags]


  -h, --help   help for feemarket

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Get the base fee amount at a given block height


Get the base fee amount at a given block height. If the height is not provided, it will use the latest height from context.

zetacored query feemarket base-fee [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for base-fee
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Get the block gas used at a given block height


Get the block gas used at a given block height. If the height is not provided, it will use the latest height from context

zetacored query feemarket block-gas [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for block-gas
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Get the fee market params


Get the fee market parameter values.

zetacored query feemarket params [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for params
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the fungible module

zetacored query fungible [flags]


  -h, --help   help for fungible

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows the code hash of an account

zetacored query fungible code-hash [address] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for code-hash
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


query the address of a gas stability pool

zetacored query fungible gas-stability-pool-address [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in gas-stability-pool-address to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for gas-stability-pool-address
      --limit uint         pagination limit of gas-stability-pool-address to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of gas-stability-pool-address to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of gas-stability-pool-address to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of gas-stability-pool-address to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


query the balance of a gas stability pool for a chain

zetacored query fungible gas-stability-pool-balance [chain-id] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in gas-stability-pool-balance [chain-id] to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for gas-stability-pool-balance
      --limit uint         pagination limit of gas-stability-pool-balance [chain-id] to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of gas-stability-pool-balance [chain-id] to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of gas-stability-pool-balance [chain-id] to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of gas-stability-pool-balance [chain-id] to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


query all gas stability pool balances

zetacored query fungible gas-stability-pool-balances [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in gas-stability-pool-balances to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for gas-stability-pool-balances
      --limit uint         pagination limit of gas-stability-pool-balances to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of gas-stability-pool-balances to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of gas-stability-pool-balances to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of gas-stability-pool-balances to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


list all ForeignCoins

zetacored query fungible list-foreign-coins [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in list-foreign-coins to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-foreign-coins
      --limit uint         pagination limit of list-foreign-coins to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of list-foreign-coins to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of list-foreign-coins to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of list-foreign-coins to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows a ForeignCoins

zetacored query fungible show-foreign-coins [index] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-foreign-coins
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


query system contract

zetacored query fungible system-contract [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for system-contract
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the governance module

zetacored query gov [flags]


  -h, --help   help for gov

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query details of a deposit


Query details for a single proposal deposit on a proposal by its identifier.

Example: $ zetacored query gov deposit 1 cosmos1skjwj5whet0lpe65qaq4rpq03hjxlwd9nf39lk

zetacored query gov deposit [proposal-id] [depositer-addr] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for deposit
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query deposits on a proposal


Query details for all deposits on a proposal. You can find the proposal-id by running "zetacored query gov proposals".

Example: $ zetacored query gov deposits 1

zetacored query gov deposits [proposal-id] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in deposits to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for deposits
      --limit uint         pagination limit of deposits to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of deposits to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of deposits to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of deposits to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query the parameters (voting|tallying|deposit) of the governance process


Query the all the parameters for the governance process. Example: zetacoredquerygovparamvotingzetacored query gov param voting zetacored query gov param tallying $ zetacored query gov param deposit

zetacored query gov param [param-type] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for param
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query the parameters of the governance process


Query the all the parameters for the governance process.

Example: $ zetacored query gov params

zetacored query gov params [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for params
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query details of a single proposal


Query details for a proposal. You can find the proposal-id by running "zetacored query gov proposals".

Example: $ zetacored query gov proposal 1

zetacored query gov proposal [proposal-id] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for proposal
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query proposals with optional filters


Query for a all paginated proposals that match optional filters:

Example: zetacoredquerygovproposalsdepositorcosmos1skjwj5whet0lpe65qaq4rpq03hjxlwd9nf39lkzetacored query gov proposals --depositor cosmos1skjwj5whet0lpe65qaq4rpq03hjxlwd9nf39lk zetacored query gov proposals --voter cosmos1skjwj5whet0lpe65qaq4rpq03hjxlwd9nf39lk zetacoredquerygovproposalsstatus(DepositPeriodVotingPeriodPassedRejected)zetacored query gov proposals --status (DepositPeriod|VotingPeriod|Passed|Rejected) zetacored query gov proposals --page=2 --limit=100

zetacored query gov proposals [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in proposals to query for
      --depositor string   (optional) filter by proposals deposited on by depositor
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for proposals
      --limit uint         pagination limit of proposals to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of proposals to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of proposals to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of proposals to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order
      --status string      (optional) filter proposals by proposal status, status: deposit_period/voting_period/passed/rejected
      --voter string       (optional) filter by proposals voted on by voted

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query the proposer of a governance proposal


Query which address proposed a proposal with a given ID.

Example: $ zetacored query gov proposer 1

zetacored query gov proposer [proposal-id] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for proposer
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Get the tally of a proposal vote


Query tally of votes on a proposal. You can find the proposal-id by running "zetacored query gov proposals".

Example: $ zetacored query gov tally 1

zetacored query gov tally [proposal-id] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for tally
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query details of a single vote


Query details for a single vote on a proposal given its identifier.

Example: $ zetacored query gov vote 1 cosmos1skjwj5whet0lpe65qaq4rpq03hjxlwd9nf39lk

zetacored query gov vote [proposal-id] [voter-addr] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for vote
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query votes on a proposal


Query vote details for a single proposal by its identifier.

Example: zetacoredquerygovvotes1zetacored query gov votes 1 zetacored query gov votes 1 --page=2 --limit=100

zetacored query gov votes [proposal-id] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in votes to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for votes
      --limit uint         pagination limit of votes to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of votes to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of votes to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of votes to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the group module

zetacored query group [flags]


  -h, --help   help for group

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for group info by group id

zetacored query group group-info [id] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for group-info
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for group members by group id with pagination flags

zetacored query group group-members [id] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in group-members to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for group-members
      --limit uint         pagination limit of group-members to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of group-members to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of group-members to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of group-members to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for group policies by admin account address with pagination flags

zetacored query group group-policies-by-admin [admin] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in group-policies-by-admin to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for group-policies-by-admin
      --limit uint         pagination limit of group-policies-by-admin to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of group-policies-by-admin to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of group-policies-by-admin to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of group-policies-by-admin to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for group policies by group id with pagination flags

zetacored query group group-policies-by-group [group-id] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in groups-policies-by-group to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for group-policies-by-group
      --limit uint         pagination limit of groups-policies-by-group to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of groups-policies-by-group to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of groups-policies-by-group to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of groups-policies-by-group to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for group policy info by account address of group policy

zetacored query group group-policy-info [group-policy-account] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for group-policy-info
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for groups present in the state

zetacored query group groups [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in groups to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for groups
      --limit uint         pagination limit of groups to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of groups to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of groups to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of groups to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for groups by admin account address with pagination flags

zetacored query group groups-by-admin [admin] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in groups-by-admin to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for groups-by-admin
      --limit uint         pagination limit of groups-by-admin to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of groups-by-admin to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of groups-by-admin to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of groups-by-admin to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for groups by member address with pagination flags

zetacored query group groups-by-member [address] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in groups-by-members to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for groups-by-member
      --limit uint         pagination limit of groups-by-members to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of groups-by-members to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of groups-by-members to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of groups-by-members to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for proposal by id

zetacored query group proposal [id] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for proposal
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for proposals by account address of group policy with pagination flags

zetacored query group proposals-by-group-policy [group-policy-account] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in proposals-by-group-policy to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for proposals-by-group-policy
      --limit uint         pagination limit of proposals-by-group-policy to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of proposals-by-group-policy to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of proposals-by-group-policy to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of proposals-by-group-policy to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query tally result of proposal

zetacored query group tally-result [proposal-id] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for tally-result
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for vote by proposal id and voter account address

zetacored query group vote [proposal-id] [voter] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for vote
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for votes by proposal id with pagination flags

zetacored query group votes-by-proposal [proposal-id] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in votes-by-proposal to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for votes-by-proposal
      --limit uint         pagination limit of votes-by-proposal to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of votes-by-proposal to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of votes-by-proposal to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of votes-by-proposal to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for votes by voter account address with pagination flags

zetacored query group votes-by-voter [voter] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in votes-by-voter to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for votes-by-voter
      --limit uint         pagination limit of votes-by-voter to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of votes-by-voter to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of votes-by-voter to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of votes-by-voter to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the lightclient module

zetacored query lightclient [flags]


  -h, --help   help for lightclient

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


List all the block headers

zetacored query lightclient list-block-header [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-block-header
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


List all the chain states

zetacored query lightclient list-chain-state [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-chain-state
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Show a block header from its hash

zetacored query lightclient show-block-header [block-hash] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-block-header
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Show a chain state from its chain id

zetacored query lightclient show-chain-state [chain-id] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-chain-state
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Show the verification flags

zetacored query lightclient show-header-enabled-chains [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-header-enabled-chains
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the observer module

zetacored query observer [flags]


  -h, --help   help for observer

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query tss address by finalized zeta height (for historical tss addresses)

zetacored query observer get-historical-tss-address [finalizedZetaHeight] [bitcoinChainId] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for get-historical-tss-address
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query current tss address

zetacored query observer get-tss-address [bitcoinChainId]] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for get-tss-address
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query AllBlameRecords

zetacored query observer list-blame [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-blame
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query AllBlameRecords

zetacored query observer list-blame-by-msg [chainId] [nonce] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-blame-by-msg
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


list all chainNonces

zetacored query observer list-chain-nonces [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in list-chain-nonces to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-chain-nonces
      --limit uint         pagination limit of list-chain-nonces to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of list-chain-nonces to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of list-chain-nonces to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of list-chain-nonces to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query GetChainParams

zetacored query observer list-chain-params [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-chain-params
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


list all SupportedChains

zetacored query observer list-chains [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in list-chains to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-chains
      --limit uint         pagination limit of list-chains to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of list-chains to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of list-chains to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of list-chains to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


list all NodeAccount

zetacored query observer list-node-account [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in list-node-account to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-node-account
      --limit uint         pagination limit of list-node-account to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of list-node-account to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of list-node-account to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of list-node-account to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query observer set

zetacored query observer list-observer-set [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-observer-set
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows a chainNonces

zetacored query observer list-pending-nonces [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-pending-nonces
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


list all tss funds migrators

zetacored query observer list-tss-funds-migrator [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in list-tss-funds-migrator to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-tss-funds-migrator
      --limit uint         pagination limit of list-tss-funds-migrator to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of list-tss-funds-migrator to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of list-tss-funds-migrator to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of list-tss-funds-migrator to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


show historical list of TSS

zetacored query observer list-tss-history [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for list-tss-history
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query BallotByIdentifier

zetacored query observer show-ballot [ballot-identifier] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-ballot
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query BlameByIdentifier

zetacored query observer show-blame [blame-identifier] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-blame
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows a chainNonces

zetacored query observer show-chain-nonces [chain-id] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-chain-nonces
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query GetChainParamsForChain

zetacored query observer show-chain-params [chain-id] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-chain-params
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows the crosschain flags

zetacored query observer show-crosschain-flags [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-crosschain-flags
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows keygen

zetacored query observer show-keygen [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-keygen
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows a NodeAccount

zetacored query observer show-node-account [operator_address] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-node-account
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query show-observer-count

zetacored query observer show-observer-count [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-observer-count
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


shows a TSS

zetacored query observer show-tss [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-tss
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


show the tss funds migrator for a chain

zetacored query observer show-tss-funds-migrator [chain-id] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in show-tss-funds-migrator [chain-id] to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for show-tss-funds-migrator
      --limit uint         pagination limit of show-tss-funds-migrator [chain-id] to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of show-tss-funds-migrator [chain-id] to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of show-tss-funds-migrator [chain-id] to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of show-tss-funds-migrator [chain-id] to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the params module

zetacored query params [flags]


  -h, --help   help for params

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for raw parameters by subspace and key

zetacored query params subspace [subspace] [key] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for subspace
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the slashing module

zetacored query slashing [flags]


  -h, --help   help for slashing

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query the current slashing parameters


Query genesis parameters for the slashing module:

$ zetacored query slashing params

zetacored query slashing params [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for params
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query a validator's signing information


Use a validators' consensus public key to find the signing-info for that validator:

$ zetacored query slashing signing-info '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey","key":"OauFcTKbN5Lx3fJL689cikXBqe+hcp6Y+x0rYUdR9Jk="}'

zetacored query slashing signing-info [validator-conspub] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for signing-info
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query signing information of all validators


signing infos of validators:

$ zetacored query slashing signing-infos

zetacored query slashing signing-infos [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in signing infos to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for signing-infos
      --limit uint         pagination limit of signing infos to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of signing infos to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of signing infos to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of signing infos to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the staking module

zetacored query staking [flags]


  -h, --help   help for staking

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query a delegation based on address and validator address


Query delegations for an individual delegator on an individual validator.

Example: $ zetacored query staking delegation zeta1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ld75ru9p zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj

zetacored query staking delegation [delegator-addr] [validator-addr] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for delegation
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query all delegations made by one delegator


Query delegations for an individual delegator on all validators.

Example: $ zetacored query staking delegations zeta1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ld75ru9p

zetacored query staking delegations [delegator-addr] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in delegations to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for delegations
      --limit uint         pagination limit of delegations to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of delegations to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of delegations to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of delegations to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query all delegations made to one validator


Query delegations on an individual validator.

Example: $ zetacored query staking delegations-to zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj

zetacored query staking delegations-to [validator-addr] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in validator delegations to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for delegations-to
      --limit uint         pagination limit of validator delegations to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of validator delegations to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of validator delegations to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of validator delegations to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query historical info at given height


Query historical info at given height.

Example: $ zetacored query staking historical-info 5

zetacored query staking historical-info [height] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for historical-info
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query the current staking parameters information


Query values set as staking parameters.

Example: $ zetacored query staking params

zetacored query staking params [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for params
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query the current staking pool values


Query values for amounts stored in the staking pool.

Example: $ zetacored query staking pool

zetacored query staking pool [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for pool
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query a redelegation record based on delegator and a source and destination validator address


Query a redelegation record for an individual delegator between a source and destination validator.

Example: $ zetacored query staking redelegation zeta1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ld75ru9p zetavaloper1l2rsakp388kuv9k8qzq6lrm9taddae7fpx59wm zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj

zetacored query staking redelegation [delegator-addr] [src-validator-addr] [dst-validator-addr] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for redelegation
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query all redelegations records for one delegator


Query all redelegation records for an individual delegator.

Example: $ zetacored query staking redelegation zeta1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ld75ru9p

zetacored query staking redelegations [delegator-addr] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in delegator redelegations to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for redelegations
      --limit uint         pagination limit of delegator redelegations to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of delegator redelegations to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of delegator redelegations to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of delegator redelegations to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query all outgoing redelegatations from a validator


Query delegations that are redelegating from a validator.

Example: $ zetacored query staking redelegations-from zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj

zetacored query staking redelegations-from [validator-addr] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in validator redelegations to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for redelegations-from
      --limit uint         pagination limit of validator redelegations to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of validator redelegations to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of validator redelegations to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of validator redelegations to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query an unbonding-delegation record based on delegator and validator address


Query unbonding delegations for an individual delegator on an individual validator.

Example: $ zetacored query staking unbonding-delegation zeta1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ld75ru9p zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj

zetacored query staking unbonding-delegation [delegator-addr] [validator-addr] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for unbonding-delegation
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query all unbonding-delegations records for one delegator


Query unbonding delegations for an individual delegator.

Example: $ zetacored query staking unbonding-delegations zeta1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ld75ru9p

zetacored query staking unbonding-delegations [delegator-addr] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in unbonding delegations to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for unbonding-delegations
      --limit uint         pagination limit of unbonding delegations to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of unbonding delegations to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of unbonding delegations to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of unbonding delegations to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query all unbonding delegatations from a validator


Query delegations that are unbonding from a validator.

Example: $ zetacored query staking unbonding-delegations-from zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj

zetacored query staking unbonding-delegations-from [validator-addr] [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in unbonding delegations to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for unbonding-delegations-from
      --limit uint         pagination limit of unbonding delegations to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of unbonding delegations to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of unbonding delegations to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of unbonding delegations to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query a validator


Query details about an individual validator.

Example: $ zetacored query staking validator zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj

zetacored query staking validator [validator-addr] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for validator
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for all validators


Query details about all validators on a network.

Example: $ zetacored query staking validators

zetacored query staking validators [flags]


      --count-total        count total number of records in validators to query for
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for validators
      --limit uint         pagination limit of validators to query for (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
      --offset uint        pagination offset of validators to query for
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page uint          pagination page of validators to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string    pagination page-key of validators to query for
      --reverse            results are sorted in descending order

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Get the full tendermint validator set at given height

zetacored query tendermint-validator-set [height] [flags]


  -h, --help            help for tendermint-validator-set
      --limit int       Query number of results returned per page (default 100)
      --node string     [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string   Output format (text|json) 
      --page int        Query a specific page of paginated results (default 1)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for a transaction by hash, "[addr]/[seq]" combination or comma-separated signatures in a committed block


Example: zetacoredquerytx[hash]zetacored query tx [hash] zetacored query tx --type=acc_seq [addr]/[sequence] $ zetacored query tx --type=signature [sig1_base64],[sig2_base64...]

zetacored query tx --type=[hash|acc_seq|signature] [hash|acc_seq|signature] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for tx
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --type string        The type to be used when querying tx, can be one of "hash", "acc_seq", "signature" 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Query for paginated transactions that match a set of events


Search for transactions that match the exact given events where results are paginated. Each event takes the form of '{eventType}.{eventAttribute}={value}'. Please refer to each module's documentation for the full set of events to query for. Each module documents its respective events under ''.

Example: $ zetacored query txs --events 'message.sender=cosmos1...&message.action=withdraw_delegator_reward' --page 1 --limit 30

zetacored query txs [flags]


      --events string      list of transaction events in the form of {eventType}.{eventAttribute}={value}
      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for txs
      --limit int          Query number of transactions results per page returned (default 100)
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 
      --page int           Query a specific page of paginated results (default 1)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Querying commands for the upgrade module


  -h, --help   help for upgrade

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


block header for height at which a completed upgrade was applied


If upgrade-name was previously executed on the chain, this returns the header for the block at which it was applied. This helps a client determine which binary was valid over a given range of blocks, as well as more context to understand past migrations.

zetacored query upgrade applied [upgrade-name] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for applied
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


get the list of module versions


Gets a list of module names and their respective consensus versions. Following the command with a specific module name will return only that module's information.

zetacored query upgrade module_versions [optional module_name] [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for module_versions
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


get upgrade plan (if one exists)


Gets the currently scheduled upgrade plan, if one exists

zetacored query upgrade plan [flags]


      --grpc-addr string   the gRPC endpoint to use for this chain
      --grpc-insecure      allow gRPC over insecure channels, if not TLS the server must use TLS
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for plan
      --node string        [host]:[port] to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain 
  -o, --output string      Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


rollback cosmos-sdk and tendermint state by one height


A state rollback is performed to recover from an incorrect application state transition, when Tendermint has persisted an incorrect app hash and is thus unable to make progress. Rollback overwrites a state at height n with the state at height n - 1. The application also rolls back to height n - 1. No blocks are removed, so upon restarting Tendermint the transactions in block n will be re-executed against the application.

zetacored rollback [flags]


      --hard          remove last block as well as state
  -h, --help          help for rollback
      --home string   The application home directory 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


spin up a rosetta server

zetacored rosetta [flags]


      --addr string                the address rosetta will bind to 
      --blockchain string          the blockchain type 
      --denom-to-suggest string    default denom for fee suggestion 
      --enable-fee-suggestion      enable default fee suggestion
      --gas-to-suggest int         default gas for fee suggestion (default 200000)
      --grpc string                the app gRPC endpoint 
  -h, --help                       help for rosetta
      --network string             the network name 
      --offline                    run rosetta only with construction API
      --prices-to-suggest string   default prices for fee suggestion 
      --retries int                the number of retries that will be done before quitting (default 5)
      --tendermint string          the tendermint rpc endpoint, without tcp:// 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Manage local snapshots


  -h, --help   help for snapshots

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Delete a local snapshot

zetacored snapshots delete [height] [format] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for delete

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Dump the snapshot as portable archive format

zetacored snapshots dump [height] [format] [flags]


  -h, --help            help for dump
  -o, --output string   output file

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Export app state to snapshot store

zetacored snapshots export [flags]


      --height int   Height to export, default to latest state height
  -h, --help         help for export

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


List local snapshots

zetacored snapshots list [flags]


  -h, --help   help for list

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Load a snapshot archive file (.tar.gz) into snapshot store

zetacored snapshots load [archive-file] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for load

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Restore app state from local snapshot


Restore app state from local snapshot

zetacored snapshots restore [height] [format] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for restore

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Run the full node


Run the full node application with Tendermint in or out of process. By default, the application will run with Tendermint in process.

Pruning options can be provided via the '--pruning' flag or alternatively with '--pruning-keep-recent', 'pruning-keep-every', and 'pruning-interval' together.

For '--pruning' the options are as follows:

default: the last 100 states are kept in addition to every 500th state; pruning at 10 block intervals nothing: all historic states will be saved, nothing will be deleted (i.e. archiving node) everything: all saved states will be deleted, storing only the current state; pruning at 10 block intervals custom: allow pruning options to be manually specified through 'pruning-keep-recent', 'pruning-keep-every', and 'pruning-interval'

Node halting configurations exist in the form of two flags: '--halt-height' and '--halt-time'. During the ABCI Commit phase, the node will check if the current block height is greater than or equal to the halt-height or if the current block time is greater than or equal to the halt-time. If so, the node will attempt to gracefully shutdown and the block will not be committed. In addition, the node will not be able to commit subsequent blocks.

For profiling and benchmarking purposes, CPU profiling can be enabled via the '--cpu-profile' flag which accepts a path for the resulting pprof file.

zetacored start [flags]


      --abci string                                     specify abci transport (socket | grpc) 
      --address string                                  Listen address 
      --api.enable                                      Defines if Cosmos-sdk REST server should be enabled
      --api.enabled-unsafe-cors                         Defines if CORS should be enabled (unsafe - use it at your own risk)
      --app-db-backend string                           The type of database for application and snapshots databases
      --block_sync                                      sync the block chain using the blocksync algorithm (default true)
      --consensus.create_empty_blocks                   set this to false to only produce blocks when there are txs or when the AppHash changes (default true)
      --consensus.create_empty_blocks_interval string   the possible interval between empty blocks 
      --consensus.double_sign_check_height int          how many blocks to look back to check existence of the node's consensus votes before joining consensus
      --cpu-profile string                              Enable CPU profiling and write to the provided file
      --db_backend string                               database backend: goleveldb | cleveldb | boltdb | rocksdb | badgerdb 
      --db_dir string                                   database directory 
      --evm.max-tx-gas-wanted uint                      the gas wanted for each eth tx returned in ante handler in check tx mode
      --evm.tracer string                               the EVM tracer type to collect execution traces from the EVM transaction execution (json|struct|access_list|markdown)
      --genesis_hash bytesHex                           optional SHA-256 hash of the genesis file
      --grpc-only                                       Start the node in gRPC query only mode without Tendermint process
      --grpc-web.address string                         The gRPC-Web server address to listen on 
      --grpc-web.enable                                 Define if the gRPC-Web server should be enabled. (Note: gRPC must also be enabled.) (default true)
      --grpc.address string                             the gRPC server address to listen on 
      --grpc.enable                                     Define if the gRPC server should be enabled (default true)
      --halt-height uint                                Block height at which to gracefully halt the chain and shutdown the node
      --halt-time uint                                  Minimum block time (in Unix seconds) at which to gracefully halt the chain and shutdown the node
  -h, --help                                            help for start
      --home string                                     The application home directory 
      --inter-block-cache                               Enable inter-block caching (default true)
      --inv-check-period uint                           Assert registered invariants every N blocks
      --json-rpc.address string                         the JSON-RPC server address to listen on 
      --json-rpc.allow-unprotected-txs                  Allow for unprotected (non EIP155 signed) transactions to be submitted via the node's RPC when the global parameter is disabled
      --json-rpc.api strings                            Defines a list of JSON-RPC namespaces that should be enabled (default [eth,net,web3])
      --json-rpc.block-range-cap eth_getLogs            Sets the max block range allowed for eth_getLogs query (default 10000)
      --json-rpc.enable                                 Define if the JSON-RPC server should be enabled (default true)
      --json-rpc.enable-indexer                         Enable the custom tx indexer for json-rpc
      --json-rpc.evm-timeout duration                   Sets a timeout used for eth_call (0=infinite) (default 5s)
      --json-rpc.filter-cap int32                       Sets the global cap for total number of filters that can be created (default 200)
      --json-rpc.gas-cap uint                           Sets a cap on gas that can be used in eth_call/estimateGas unit is aphoton (0=infinite) (default 25000000)
      --json-rpc.http-idle-timeout duration             Sets a idle timeout for json-rpc http server (0=infinite) (default 2m0s)
      --json-rpc.http-timeout duration                  Sets a read/write timeout for json-rpc http server (0=infinite) (default 30s)
      --json-rpc.logs-cap eth_getLogs                   Sets the max number of results can be returned from single eth_getLogs query (default 10000)
      --json-rpc.max-open-connections int               Sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections for the server listener
      --json-rpc.txfee-cap float                        Sets a cap on transaction fee that can be sent via the RPC APIs (1 = default 1 photon) (default 1) string                      the JSON-RPC WS server address to listen on 
      --metrics                                         Define if EVM rpc metrics server should be enabled
      --min-retain-blocks uint                          Minimum block height offset during ABCI commit to prune Tendermint blocks
      --minimum-gas-prices string                       Minimum gas prices to accept for transactions; Any fee in a tx must meet this minimum (e.g. 0.01photon;0.0001stake)
      --moniker string                                  node name 
      --p2p.external-address string                     ip:port address to advertise to peers for them to dial
      --p2p.laddr string                                node listen address. ( means any interface, any port) 
      --p2p.persistent_peers string                     comma-delimited ID@host:port persistent peers
      --p2p.pex                                         enable/disable Peer-Exchange (default true)
      --p2p.private_peer_ids string                     comma-delimited private peer IDs
      --p2p.seed_mode                                   enable/disable seed mode
      --p2p.seeds string                                comma-delimited ID@host:port seed nodes
      --p2p.unconditional_peer_ids string               comma-delimited IDs of unconditional peers
      --priv_validator_laddr string                     socket address to listen on for connections from external priv_validator process
      --proxy_app string                                proxy app address, or one of: 'kvstore', 'persistent_kvstore' or 'noop' for local testing. 
      --pruning string                                  Pruning strategy (default|nothing|everything|custom) 
      --pruning-interval uint                           Height interval at which pruned heights are removed from disk (ignored if pruning is not 'custom')
      --pruning-keep-recent uint                        Number of recent heights to keep on disk (ignored if pruning is not 'custom')
      --rpc.grpc_laddr string                           GRPC listen address (BroadcastTx only). Port required
      --rpc.laddr string                                RPC listen address. Port required 
      --rpc.pprof_laddr string                          pprof listen address (
      --rpc.unsafe                                      enabled unsafe rpc methods
      --state-sync.snapshot-interval uint               State sync snapshot interval
      --state-sync.snapshot-keep-recent uint32          State sync snapshot to keep (default 2)
      --tls.certificate-path string                     the cert.pem file path for the server TLS configuration
      --tls.key-path string                             the key.pem file path for the server TLS configuration
      --trace                                           Provide full stack traces for errors in ABCI Log
      --trace-store string                              Enable KVStore tracing to an output file
      --transport string                                Transport protocol: socket, grpc 
      --unsafe-skip-upgrades ints                       Skip a set of upgrade heights to continue the old binary
      --with-tendermint                                 Run abci app embedded in-process with tendermint (default true)
      --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants                 Skip x/crisis invariants check on startup

Options inherited from parent commands

      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs


Query remote node for status

zetacored status [flags]


  -h, --help          help for status
  -n, --node string   Node to connect to 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Tendermint subcommands


  -h, --help   help for tendermint

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Remove all the data and WAL

zetacored tendermint reset-state [flags]


  -h, --help   help for reset-state

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Shows this node's tendermint validator consensus address

zetacored tendermint show-address [flags]


  -h, --help   help for show-address

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Show this node's ID

zetacored tendermint show-node-id [flags]


  -h, --help   help for show-node-id

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Show this node's tendermint validator info

zetacored tendermint show-validator [flags]


  -h, --help   help for show-validator

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


(unsafe) Remove all the data and WAL, reset this node's validator to genesis state

zetacored tendermint unsafe-reset-all [flags]


  -h, --help             help for unsafe-reset-all
      --keep-addr-book   keep the address book intact

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Print tendermint libraries' version


Print protocols' and libraries' version numbers against which this app has been compiled.

zetacored tendermint version [flags]


  -h, --help   help for version

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


subcommands for starting or configuring local testnets

zetacored testnet [flags]


  -h, --help   help for testnet

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Initialize config directories & files for a multi-validator testnet running locally via separate processes (e.g. Docker Compose or similar)


init-files will setup "v" number of directories and populate each with necessary files (private validator, genesis, config, etc.) for running "v" validator nodes.

Booting up a network with these validator folders is intended to be used with Docker Compose, or a similar setup where each node has a manually configurable IP address.

Note, strict routability for addresses is turned off in the config file.

Example: evmosd testnet init-files --v 4 --output-dir ./.testnets --starting-ip-address

zetacored testnet init-files [flags]


      --chain-id string              genesis file chain-id, if left blank will be randomly created
  -h, --help                         help for init-files
      --key-type string              Key signing algorithm to generate keys for 
      --keyring-backend string       Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) 
      --minimum-gas-prices string    Minimum gas prices to accept for transactions; All fees in a tx must meet this minimum (e.g. 0.01photino,0.001stake) 
      --node-daemon-home string      Home directory of the node's daemon configuration 
      --node-dir-prefix string       Prefix the directory name for each node with (node results in node0, node1, ...) 
  -o, --output-dir string            Directory to store initialization data for the testnet 
      --starting-ip-address string   Starting IP address ( results in persistent peers list ID0@, ID1@, ...) 
      --v int                        Number of validators to initialize the testnet with (default 4)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Launch an in-process multi-validator testnet


testnet will launch an in-process multi-validator testnet, and generate "v" directories, populated with necessary validator configuration files (private validator, genesis, config, etc.).

Example: evmosd testnet --v 4 --output-dir ./.testnets

zetacored testnet start [flags]


      --api.address string          the address to listen on for REST API 
      --chain-id string             genesis file chain-id, if left blank will be randomly created
      --enable-logging              Enable INFO logging of tendermint validator nodes
      --grpc.address string         the gRPC server address to listen on 
  -h, --help                        help for start
      --json-rpc.address string     the JSON-RPC server address to listen on 
      --key-type string             Key signing algorithm to generate keys for 
      --minimum-gas-prices string   Minimum gas prices to accept for transactions; All fees in a tx must meet this minimum (e.g. 0.01photino,0.001stake) 
  -o, --output-dir string           Directory to store initialization data for the testnet 
      --print-mnemonic              print mnemonic of first validator to stdout for manual testing (default true)
      --rpc.address string          the RPC address to listen on 
      --v int                       Number of validators to initialize the testnet with (default 4)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Transactions subcommands

zetacored tx [flags]


      --chain-id string   The network chain ID
  -h, --help              help for tx

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


authority transactions subcommands

zetacored tx authority [flags]


  -h, --help   help for authority

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Add a new authorization or update the policy of an existing authorization. Policy type can be 0 for groupEmergency, 1 for groupOperational, 2 for groupAdmin.

zetacored tx authority add-authorization [msg-url] [authorized-policy] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for add-authorization
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


removes an existing authorization

zetacored tx authority remove-authorization [msg-url] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for remove-authorization
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Remove the chain info for the specified chain id

zetacored tx authority remove-chain-info [chain-id] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for remove-chain-info
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Update the chain info

zetacored tx authority update-chain-info [chain-info-json-file] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-chain-info
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Update policies to values provided in the JSON file.

zetacored tx authority update-policies [policies-json-file] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-policies
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Authorization transactions subcommands


Authorize and revoke access to execute transactions on behalf of your address

zetacored tx authz [flags]


  -h, --help   help for authz

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


execute tx on behalf of granter account


execute tx on behalf of granter account: Example: zetacoredtxauthzexectx.jsonfromgranteezetacored tx authz exec tx.json --from grantee zetacored tx bank send [granter] [recipient] --from [granter] --chain-id [chain-id] --generate-only > tx.json && zetacored tx authz exec tx.json --from grantee

zetacored tx authz exec [tx-json-file] --from [grantee] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for exec
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Grant authorization to an address


create a new grant authorization to an address to execute a transaction on your behalf:

Examples: zetacoredtxauthzgrantcosmos1skjw..sendspendlimit=1000stakefrom=cosmos1skl..zetacored tx authz grant cosmos1skjw.. send --spend-limit=1000stake --from=cosmos1skl.. zetacored tx authz grant cosmos1skjw.. generic --msg-type=/ --from=cosmos1sk..

zetacored tx authz grant [grantee] [authorization_type="send"|"generic"|"delegate"|"unbond"|"redelegate"] --from [granter] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint          The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --allow-list strings           Allowed addresses grantee is allowed to send funds separated by ,
      --allowed-validators strings   Allowed validators addresses separated by ,
      --aux                          Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string        Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string              The network chain ID
      --deny-validators strings      Deny validators addresses separated by ,
      --dry-run                      ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --expiration int               Expire time as Unix timestamp. Set zero (0) for no expiry. Default is 0.
      --fee-granter string           Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string             Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string                  Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string                  Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string                   gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float         adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string            Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only                Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                         help for grant
      --keyring-backend string       Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string           The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                       Use a connected Ledger device
      --msg-type string              The Msg method name for which we are creating a GenericAuthorization
      --node string                  [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string                  Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                      Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string                Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint                The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string             Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --spend-limit string           SpendLimit for Send Authorization, an array of Coins allowed spend
      --timeout-height uint          Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string                   Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                          Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


revoke authorization


revoke authorization from a granter to a grantee: Example: $ zetacored tx authz revoke cosmos1skj.. / --from=cosmos1skj..

zetacored tx authz revoke [grantee] [msg-type-url] --from=[granter] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for revoke
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Bank transaction subcommands

zetacored tx bank [flags]


  -h, --help   help for bank

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Send funds from one account to two or more accounts.


Send funds from one account to two or more accounts. By default, sends the [amount] to each address of the list. Using the '--split' flag, the [amount] is split equally between the addresses. Note, the '--from' flag is ignored as it is implied from [from_key_or_address] and separate addresses with space. When using '--dry-run' a key name cannot be used, only a bech32 address.

zetacored tx bank multi-send [from_key_or_address] [to_address_1 to_address_2 ...] [amount] [flags]


zetacored tx bank multi-send cosmos1... cosmos1... cosmos1... cosmos1... 10stake


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for multi-send
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --split                    Send the equally split token amount to each address
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Send funds from one account to another.


Send funds from one account to another. Note, the '--from' flag is ignored as it is implied from [from_key_or_address]. When using '--dry-run' a key name cannot be used, only a bech32 address.

zetacored tx bank send [from_key_or_address] [to_address] [amount] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for send
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast transactions generated offline


Broadcast transactions created with the --generate-only flag and signed with the sign command. Read a transaction from [file_path] and broadcast it to a node. If you supply a dash (-) argument in place of an input filename, the command reads from standard input.

$ zetacored tx broadcast ./mytxn.json

zetacored tx broadcast [file_path] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for broadcast
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Crisis transactions subcommands

zetacored tx crisis [flags]


  -h, --help   help for crisis

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Submit proof that an invariant broken to halt the chain

zetacored tx crisis invariant-broken [module-name] [invariant-route] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for invariant-broken
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


crosschain transactions subcommands

zetacored tx crosschain [flags]


  -h, --help   help for crosschain

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


abort a stuck CCTX

zetacored tx crosschain abort-stuck-cctx [index] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for abort-stuck-cctx
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Add an inbound tracker Use 0:Zeta,1:Gas,2:ERC20

zetacored tx crosschain add-inbound-tracker [chain-id] [tx-hash] [coin-type] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for add-inbound-tracker
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Add an outbound tracker

zetacored tx crosschain add-outbound-tracker [chain] [nonce] [tx-hash] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for add-outbound-tracker
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Migrate TSS funds to the latest TSS address

zetacored tx crosschain migrate-tss-funds [chainID] [amount] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for migrate-tss-funds
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Refund an aborted tx , the refund address is optional, if not provided, the refund will be sent to the sender/tx origin of the cctx.

zetacored tx crosschain refund-aborted [cctx-index] [refund-address] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for refund-aborted
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Remove an outbound tracker

zetacored tx crosschain remove-outbound-tracker [chain] [nonce] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for remove-outbound-tracker
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Create a new TSSVoter

zetacored tx crosschain update-tss-address [pubkey] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-tss-address
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message to vote gas price

zetacored tx crosschain vote-gas-price [chain] [price] [priorityFee] [blockNumber] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for vote-gas-price
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message to vote an inbound

zetacored tx crosschain vote-inbound [sender] [senderChainID] [txOrigin] [receiver] [receiverChainID] [amount] [message] [inboundHash] [inBlockHeight] [coinType] [asset] [eventIndex] [protocolContractVersion] [isArbitraryCall] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for vote-inbound
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message to vote an outbound

zetacored tx crosschain vote-outbound [sendHash] [outboundHash] [outBlockHeight] [outGasUsed] [outEffectiveGasPrice] [outEffectiveGasLimit] [valueReceived] [Status] [chain] [outTXNonce] [coinType] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for vote-outbound
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Add a new erc20 token to whitelist

zetacored tx crosschain whitelist-erc20 [erc20Address] [chainID] [name] [symbol] [decimals] [gasLimit] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for whitelist-erc20
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Decode a binary encoded transaction string

zetacored tx decode [protobuf-byte-string] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for decode
  -x, --hex                      Treat input as hexadecimal instead of base64
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Distribution transactions subcommands

zetacored tx distribution [flags]


  -h, --help   help for distribution

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Funds the community pool with the specified amount


Funds the community pool with the specified amount

Example: $ zetacored tx distribution fund-community-pool 100uatom --from mykey

zetacored tx distribution fund-community-pool [amount] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for fund-community-pool
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


change the default withdraw address for rewards associated with an address


Set the withdraw address for rewards associated with a delegator address.

Example: $ zetacored tx distribution set-withdraw-addr zeta1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ld75ru9p --from mykey

zetacored tx distribution set-withdraw-addr [withdraw-addr] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for set-withdraw-addr
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


withdraw all delegations rewards for a delegator


Withdraw all rewards for a single delegator. Note that if you use this command with --broadcast-mode=sync or --broadcast-mode=async, the max-msgs flag will automatically be set to 0.

Example: $ zetacored tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from mykey

zetacored tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for withdraw-all-rewards
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --max-msgs int             Limit the number of messages per tx (0 for unlimited)
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Withdraw rewards from a given delegation address, and optionally withdraw validator commission if the delegation address given is a validator operator


Withdraw rewards from a given delegation address, and optionally withdraw validator commission if the delegation address given is a validator operator.

Example: zetacoredtxdistributionwithdrawrewardszetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffjfrommykeyzetacored tx distribution withdraw-rewards zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj --from mykey zetacored tx distribution withdraw-rewards zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj --from mykey --commission

zetacored tx distribution withdraw-rewards [validator-addr] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --commission               Withdraw the validator's commission in addition to the rewards
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for withdraw-rewards
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


emissions transactions subcommands

zetacored tx emissions [flags]


  -h, --help   help for emissions

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


create a new withdrawEmission

zetacored tx emissions withdraw-emission [amount] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for withdraw-emission
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Encode transactions generated offline


Encode transactions created with the --generate-only flag or signed with the sign command. Read a transaction from [file], serialize it to the Protobuf wire protocol, and output it as base64. If you supply a dash (-) argument in place of an input filename, the command reads from standard input.

zetacored tx encode [file] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for encode
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Evidence transaction subcommands

zetacored tx evidence [flags]


  -h, --help   help for evidence

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


evm transactions subcommands

zetacored tx evm [flags]


  -h, --help   help for evm

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Build cosmos transaction from raw ethereum transaction

zetacored tx evm raw TX_HEX [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for raw
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


fungible transactions subcommands

zetacored tx fungible [flags]


  -h, --help   help for fungible

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message DeployFungibleCoinZRC20

zetacored tx fungible deploy-fungible-coin-zrc-4 [erc-20] [foreign-chain] [decimals] [name] [symbol] [coin-type] [gas-limit] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for deploy-fungible-coin-zrc-4
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message SystemContracts

zetacored tx fungible deploy-system-contracts [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for deploy-system-contracts
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message PauseZRC20

zetacored tx fungible pause-zrc20 [contractAddress1, contractAddress2, ...] [flags]


zetacored tx fungible pause-zrc20 "0xece40cbB54d65282c4623f141c4a8a0bE7D6AdEc, 0xece40cbB54d65282c4623f141c4a8a0bEjgksncf" 


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for pause-zrc20
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message RemoveForeignCoin

zetacored tx fungible remove-foreign-coin [name] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for remove-foreign-coin
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message UnpauseZRC20

zetacored tx fungible unpause-zrc20 [contractAddress1, contractAddress2, ...] [flags]


zetacored tx fungible unpause-zrc20 "0xece40cbB54d65282c4623f141c4a8a0bE7D6AdEc, 0xece40cbB54d65282c4623f141c4a8a0bEjgksncf" 


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for unpause-zrc20
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message UpdateContractBytecode

zetacored tx fungible update-contract-bytecode [contract-address] [new-code-hash] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-contract-bytecode
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message UpdateGatewayContract to update the gateway contract address

zetacored tx fungible update-gateway-contract [contract-address] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-gateway-contract
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message UpdateSystemContract

zetacored tx fungible update-system-contract [contract-address]  [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-system-contract
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message UpdateZRC20LiquidityCap

zetacored tx fungible update-zrc20-liquidity-cap [zrc20] [liquidity-cap] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-zrc20-liquidity-cap
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message UpdateZRC20WithdrawFee

zetacored tx fungible update-zrc20-withdraw-fee [contractAddress] [newWithdrawFee] [newGasLimit] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-zrc20-withdraw-fee
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Governance transactions subcommands

zetacored tx gov [flags]


  -h, --help   help for gov

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Deposit tokens for an active proposal


Submit a deposit for an active proposal. You can find the proposal-id by running "zetacored query gov proposals".

Example: $ zetacored tx gov deposit 1 10stake --from mykey

zetacored tx gov deposit [proposal-id] [deposit] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for deposit
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Generate a draft proposal json file. The generated proposal json contains only one message (skeleton).

zetacored tx gov draft-proposal [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for draft-proposal
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --skip-metadata            skip metadata prompt
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Submit a legacy proposal along with an initial deposit


Submit a legacy proposal along with an initial deposit. Proposal title, description, type and deposit can be given directly or through a proposal JSON file.

Example: $ zetacored tx gov submit-legacy-proposal --proposal="path/to/proposal.json" --from mykey

Where proposal.json contains:

{ "title": "Test Proposal", "description": "My awesome proposal", "type": "Text", "deposit": "10test" }

Which is equivalent to:

$ zetacored tx gov submit-legacy-proposal --title="Test Proposal" --description="My awesome proposal" --type="Text" --deposit="10test" --from mykey

zetacored tx gov submit-legacy-proposal [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --deposit string           The proposal deposit
      --description string       The proposal description
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for submit-legacy-proposal
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --proposal string          Proposal file path (if this path is given, other proposal flags are ignored)
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
      --title string             The proposal title
      --type string              The proposal Type
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Cancel the current software upgrade proposal


Cancel a software upgrade along with an initial deposit.

zetacored tx gov submit-legacy-proposal cancel-software-upgrade [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --deposit string           deposit of proposal
      --description string       description of proposal
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for cancel-software-upgrade
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
      --title string             title of proposal
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Submit a parameter change proposal


Submit a parameter proposal along with an initial deposit. The proposal details must be supplied via a JSON file. For values that contains objects, only non-empty fields will be updated.

IMPORTANT: Currently parameter changes are evaluated but not validated, so it is very important that any "value" change is valid (ie. correct type and within bounds) for its respective parameter, eg. "MaxValidators" should be an integer and not a decimal.

Proper vetting of a parameter change proposal should prevent this from happening (no deposits should occur during the governance process), but it should be noted regardless.

Example: $ zetacored tx gov submit-proposal param-change [path/to/proposal.json] --from=[key_or_address]

Where proposal.json contains:

{ "title": "Staking Param Change", "description": "Update max validators", "changes": [ { "subspace": "staking", "key": "MaxValidators", "value": 105 } ], "deposit": "1000stake" }

zetacored tx gov submit-legacy-proposal param-change [proposal-file] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for param-change
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Submit a software upgrade proposal


Submit a software upgrade along with an initial deposit. Please specify a unique name and height for the upgrade to take effect. You may include info to reference a binary download link, in a format compatible with: (opens in a new tab)

zetacored tx gov submit-legacy-proposal software-upgrade [name] (--upgrade-height [height]) (--upgrade-info [info]) [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --daemon-name string       The name of the executable being upgraded (for upgrade-info validation). Default is the DAEMON_NAME env var if set, or else this executable 
      --deposit string           deposit of proposal
      --description string       description of proposal
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for software-upgrade
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --no-validate              Skip validation of the upgrade info
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
      --title string             title of proposal
      --upgrade-height int       The height at which the upgrade must happen
      --upgrade-info string      Info for the upgrade plan such as new version download urls, etc.
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Submit a proposal along with some messages, metadata and deposit


Submit a proposal along with some messages, metadata and deposit. They should be defined in a JSON file.

Example: $ zetacored tx gov submit-proposal path/to/proposal.json

Where proposal.json contains:

{ // array of proto-JSON-encoded sdk.Msgs "messages": [ { "@type": "/", "from_address": "cosmos1...", "to_address": "cosmos1...", "amount":[{"denom": "stake","amount": "10"}] } ], // metadata can be any of base64 encoded, raw text, stringified json, IPFS link to json // see below for example metadata "metadata": "4pIMOgIGx1vZGU=", "deposit": "10stake", "title": "My proposal", "summary": "A short summary of my proposal" }

metadata example: { "title": "", "authors": [""], "summary": "", "details": "", "proposal_forum_url": "", "vote_option_context": "", }

zetacored tx gov submit-proposal [path/to/proposal.json] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for submit-proposal
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Vote for an active proposal, options: yes/no/no_with_veto/abstain


Submit a vote for an active proposal. You can find the proposal-id by running "zetacored query gov proposals".

Example: $ zetacored tx gov vote 1 yes --from mykey

zetacored tx gov vote [proposal-id] [option] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for vote
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --metadata string          Specify metadata of the vote
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Vote for an active proposal, options: yes/no/no_with_veto/abstain


Submit a vote for an active proposal. You can find the proposal-id by running "zetacored query gov proposals".

Example: $ zetacored tx gov weighted-vote 1 yes=0.6,no=0.3,abstain=0.05,no_with_veto=0.05 --from mykey

zetacored tx gov weighted-vote [proposal-id] [weighted-options] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for weighted-vote
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --metadata string          Specify metadata of the weighted vote
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Group transaction subcommands

zetacored tx group [flags]


  -h, --help   help for group

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Create a group which is an aggregation of member accounts with associated weights and an administrator account.


Create a group which is an aggregation of member accounts with associated weights and an administrator account. Note, the '--from' flag is ignored as it is implied from [admin]. Members accounts can be given through a members JSON file that contains an array of members.

zetacored tx group create-group [admin] [metadata] [members-json-file] [flags]


zetacored tx group create-group [admin] [metadata] [members-json-file]

Where members.json contains:

	"members": [
			"address": "addr1",
			"weight": "1",
			"metadata": "some metadata"
			"address": "addr2",
			"weight": "1",
			"metadata": "some metadata"


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for create-group
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Create a group policy which is an account associated with a group and a decision policy. Note, the '--from' flag is ignored as it is implied from [admin].

zetacored tx group create-group-policy [admin] [group-id] [metadata] [decision-policy-json-file] [flags]


zetacored tx group create-group-policy [admin] [group-id] [metadata] policy.json

where policy.json contains:

    "@type": "/",
    "threshold": "1",
    "windows": {
        "voting_period": "120h",
        "min_execution_period": "0s"

Here, we can use percentage decision policy when needed, where 0 < percentage <= 1:

    "@type": "/",
    "percentage": "0.5",
    "windows": {
        "voting_period": "120h",
        "min_execution_period": "0s"


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for create-group-policy
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Create a group with policy which is an aggregation of member accounts with associated weights, an administrator account and decision policy.


Create a group with policy which is an aggregation of member accounts with associated weights, an administrator account and decision policy. Note, the '--from' flag is ignored as it is implied from [admin]. Members accounts can be given through a members JSON file that contains an array of members. If group-policy-as-admin flag is set to true, the admin of the newly created group and group policy is set with the group policy address itself.

zetacored tx group create-group-with-policy [admin] [group-metadata] [group-policy-metadata] [members-json-file] [decision-policy-json-file] [flags]


zetacored tx group create-group-with-policy [admin] [group-metadata] [group-policy-metadata] members.json policy.json

where members.json contains:

	"members": [
			"address": "addr1",
			"weight": "1",
			"metadata": "some metadata"
			"address": "addr2",
			"weight": "1",
			"metadata": "some metadata"

and policy.json contains:

    "@type": "/",
    "threshold": "1",
    "windows": {
        "voting_period": "120h",
        "min_execution_period": "0s"


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
      --group-policy-as-admin    Sets admin of the newly created group and group policy with group policy address itself when true
  -h, --help                     help for create-group-with-policy
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Generate a draft proposal json file. The generated proposal json contains only one message (skeleton).

zetacored tx group draft-proposal [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for draft-proposal
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --skip-metadata            skip metadata prompt
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Execute a proposal

zetacored tx group exec [proposal-id] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for exec
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Remove member from the group


Remove member from the group

Parameters: group-id: unique id of the group member-address: account address of the group member Note, the '--from' flag is ignored as it is implied from [member-address]

zetacored tx group leave-group [member-address] [group-id] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for leave-group
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Submit a new proposal


Submit a new proposal. Parameters: msg_tx_json_file: path to json file with messages that will be executed if the proposal is accepted.

zetacored tx group submit-proposal [proposal_json_file] [flags]


zetacored tx group submit-proposal path/to/proposal.json
	Where proposal.json contains:

	"group_policy_address": "cosmos1...",
	// array of proto-JSON-encoded sdk.Msgs
	"messages": [
		"@type": "/",
		"from_address": "cosmos1...",
		"to_address": "cosmos1...",
		"amount":[{"denom": "stake","amount": "10"}]
	// metadata can be any of base64 encoded, raw text, stringified json, IPFS link to json
	// see below for example metadata
	"metadata": "4pIMOgIGx1vZGU=", // base64-encoded metadata
	"title": "My proposal",
	"summary": "This is a proposal to send 10 stake to cosmos1...",
	"proposers": ["cosmos1...", "cosmos1..."],

metadata example: 
	"title": "",
	"authors": [""],
	"summary": "",
	"details": "", 
	"proposal_forum_url": "",
	"vote_option_context": "",


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --exec string              Set to 1 to try to execute proposal immediately after creation (proposers signatures are considered as Yes votes)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for submit-proposal
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Update a group's admin

zetacored tx group update-group-admin [admin] [group-id] [new-admin] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-group-admin
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Update a group's members. Set a member's weight to "0" to delete it.

zetacored tx group update-group-members [admin] [group-id] [members-json-file] [flags]


zetacored tx group update-group-members [admin] [group-id] [members-json-file]

Where members.json contains:

	"members": [
			"address": "addr1",
			"weight": "1",
			"metadata": "some new metadata"
			"address": "addr2",
			"weight": "0",
			"metadata": "some metadata"

Set a member's weight to "0" to delete it.


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-group-members
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Update a group's metadata

zetacored tx group update-group-metadata [admin] [group-id] [metadata] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-group-metadata
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Update a group policy admin

zetacored tx group update-group-policy-admin [admin] [group-policy-account] [new-admin] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-group-policy-admin
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Update a group policy's decision policy

zetacored tx group update-group-policy-decision-policy [admin] [group-policy-account] [decision-policy-json-file] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-group-policy-decision-policy
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Update a group policy metadata

zetacored tx group update-group-policy-metadata [admin] [group-policy-account] [new-metadata] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-group-policy-metadata
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Vote on a proposal


Vote on a proposal.

Parameters: proposal-id: unique ID of the proposal voter: voter account addresses. vote-option: choice of the voter(s) VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED: no-op VOTE_OPTION_NO: no VOTE_OPTION_YES: yes VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN: abstain VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO: no-with-veto Metadata: metadata for the vote

zetacored tx group vote [proposal-id] [voter] [vote-option] [metadata] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --exec string              Set to 1 to try to execute proposal immediately after voting
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for vote
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Withdraw a submitted proposal


Withdraw a submitted proposal.

Parameters: proposal-id: unique ID of the proposal. group-policy-admin-or-proposer: either admin of the group policy or one the proposer of the proposal. Note: --from flag will be ignored here.

zetacored tx group withdraw-proposal [proposal-id] [group-policy-admin-or-proposer] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for withdraw-proposal
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


lightclient transactions subcommands

zetacored tx lightclient [flags]


  -h, --help   help for lightclient

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Disable header verification for the list of chains separated by comma


Provide a list of chain ids separated by comma to disable block header verification for the specified chain ids.

                To disable verification flags for chain ids 1 and 56
				zetacored tx lightclient disable-header-verification "1,56"
zetacored tx lightclient disable-header-verification [list of chain-id] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for disable-header-verification
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Enable verification for the list of chains separated by comma


Provide a list of chain ids separated by comma to enable block header verification for the specified chain ids.

                To enable verification flags for chain ids 1 and 56
				zetacored tx lightclient enable-header-verification "1,56"
zetacored tx lightclient enable-header-verification [list of chain-id] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for enable-header-verification
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Generate multisig signatures for transactions generated offline


Sign transactions created with the --generate-only flag that require multisig signatures.

Read one or more signatures from one or more [signature] file, generate a multisig signature compliant to the multisig key [name], and attach the key name to the transaction read from [file].

Example: $ zetacored tx multisign transaction.json k1k2k3 k1sig.json k2sig.json k3sig.json

If --signature-only flag is on, output a JSON representation of only the generated signature.

If the --offline flag is on, the client will not reach out to an external node. Account number or sequence number lookups are not performed so you must set these parameters manually.

The current multisig implementation defaults to amino-json sign mode. The SIGN_MODE_DIRECT sign mode is not supported.'

zetacored tx multi-sign [file] [name] [[signature]...] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --amino                    Generate Amino-encoded JSON suitable for submitting to the txs REST endpoint
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for multi-sign
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
      --output-document string   The document is written to the given file instead of STDOUT
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --signature-only           Print only the generated signature, then exit
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Assemble multisig transactions in batch from batch signatures


Assemble a batch of multisig transactions generated by batch sign command.

Read one or more signatures from one or more [signature] file, generate a multisig signature compliant to the multisig key [name], and attach the key name to the transaction read from [file].

Example: $ zetacored tx multisign-batch transactions.json multisigk1k2k3 k1sigs.json k2sigs.json k3sig.json

The current multisig implementation defaults to amino-json sign mode. The SIGN_MODE_DIRECT sign mode is not supported.'

zetacored tx multisign-batch [file] [name] [[signature-file]...] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for multisign-batch
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --multisig string          Address of the multisig account that the transaction signs on behalf of
      --no-auto-increment        disable sequence auto increment
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
      --output-document string   The document is written to the given file instead of STDOUT
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


observer transactions subcommands

zetacored tx observer [flags]


  -h, --help   help for observer

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message add-observer

zetacored tx observer add-observer [observer-address] [zetaclient-grantee-pubkey] [add_node_account_only] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for add-observer
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Disable inbound and outbound for CCTX

zetacored tx observer disable-cctx [disable-inbound] [disable-outbound] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for disable-cctx
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Enable inbound and outbound for CCTX

zetacored tx observer enable-cctx [enable-inbound] [enable-outbound] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for enable-cctx
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Encode a json string into hex

zetacored tx observer encode [file.json] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for encode
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message to remove chain params

zetacored tx observer remove-chain-params [chain-id] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for remove-chain-params
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message to reset chain nonces

zetacored tx observer reset-chain-nonces [chain-id] [chain-nonce-low] [chain-nonce-high] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for reset-chain-nonces
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message updateChainParams

zetacored tx observer update-chain-params [chain-id] [client-params.json] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-chain-params
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Update the gas price increase flags

zetacored tx observer update-gas-price-increase-flags [epochLength] [retryInterval] [gasPriceIncreasePercent] [gasPriceIncreaseMax] [maxPendingCctxs] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-gas-price-increase-flags
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


command to update the keygen block via a group proposal

zetacored tx observer update-keygen [block] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-keygen
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message add-observer

zetacored tx observer update-observer [old-observer-address] [new-observer-address] [update-reason] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for update-observer
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Broadcast message vote-blame

zetacored tx observer vote-blame [chain-id] [index] [failure-reason] [node-list] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for vote-blame
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Vote for a new TSS creation

zetacored tx observer vote-tss [pubkey] [keygen-block] [status] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for vote-tss
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Sign a transaction generated offline


Sign a transaction created with the --generate-only flag. It will read a transaction from [file], sign it, and print its JSON encoding.

If the --signature-only flag is set, it will output the signature parts only.

The --offline flag makes sure that the client will not reach out to full node. As a result, the account and sequence number queries will not be performed and it is required to set such parameters manually. Note, invalid values will cause the transaction to fail.

The --multisig=[multisig_key] flag generates a signature on behalf of a multisig account key. It implies --signature-only. Full multisig signed transactions may eventually be generated via the 'multisign' command.

zetacored tx sign [file] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --amino                    Generate Amino encoded JSON suitable for submiting to the txs REST endpoint
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for sign
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --multisig string          Address or key name of the multisig account on behalf of which the transaction shall be signed
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --output-document string   The document will be written to the given file instead of STDOUT
      --overwrite                Overwrite existing signatures with a new one. If disabled, new signature will be appended
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --signature-only           Print only the signatures
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Sign transaction batch files


Sign batch files of transactions generated with --generate-only. The command processes list of transactions from a file (one StdTx each line), or multiple files. Then generates signed transactions or signatures and print their JSON encoding, delimited by '\n'. As the signatures are generated, the command updates the account and sequence number accordingly.

If the --signature-only flag is set, it will output the signature parts only.

The --offline flag makes sure that the client will not reach out to full node. As a result, the account and the sequence number queries will not be performed and it is required to set such parameters manually. Note, invalid values will cause the transaction to fail. The sequence will be incremented automatically for each transaction that is signed.

If --account-number or --sequence flag is used when offline=false, they are ignored and overwritten by the default flag values.

The --multisig=[multisig_key] flag generates a signature on behalf of a multisig account key. It implies --signature-only.

zetacored tx sign-batch [file] ([file2]...) [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --append                   Combine all message and generate single signed transaction for broadcast.
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for sign-batch
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --multisig string          Address or key name of the multisig account on behalf of which the transaction shall be signed
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
      --output-document string   The document will be written to the given file instead of STDOUT
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --signature-only           Print only the generated signature, then exit
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Slashing transaction subcommands

zetacored tx slashing [flags]


  -h, --help   help for slashing

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


unjail validator previously jailed for downtime


unjail a jailed validator:

$ zetacored tx slashing unjail --from mykey

zetacored tx slashing unjail [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for unjail
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Staking transaction subcommands

zetacored tx staking [flags]


  -h, --help   help for staking

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Cancel unbonding delegation and delegate back to the validator


Cancel Unbonding Delegation and delegate back to the validator.

Example: $ zetacored tx staking cancel-unbond zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj 100stake 2 --from mykey

zetacored tx staking cancel-unbond [validator-addr] [amount] [creation-height] [flags]


$ zetacored tx staking cancel-unbond zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj 100stake 2 --from mykey


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for cancel-unbond
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


create new validator initialized with a self-delegation to it

zetacored tx staking create-validator [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint                 The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --amount string                       Amount of coins to bond
      --aux                                 Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string               Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string                     The network chain ID
      --commission-max-change-rate string   The maximum commission change rate percentage (per day)
      --commission-max-rate string          The maximum commission rate percentage
      --commission-rate string              The initial commission rate percentage
      --details string                      The validator's (optional) details
      --dry-run                             ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string                  Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string                    Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string                         Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string                         Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string                          gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float                adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string                   Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only                       Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                                help for create-validator
      --identity string                     The optional identity signature (ex. UPort or Keybase)
      --ip string                           The node's public IP. It takes effect only when used in combination with --generate-only
      --keyring-backend string              Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string                  The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                              Use a connected Ledger device
      --min-self-delegation string          The minimum self delegation required on the validator
      --moniker string                      The validator's name
      --node string                         [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --node-id string                      The node's ID
      --note string                         Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                             Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string                       Output format (text|json) 
      --pubkey string                       The validator's Protobuf JSON encoded public key
      --security-contact string             The validator's (optional) security contact email
  -s, --sequence uint                       The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string                    Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint                 Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string                          Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
      --website string                      The validator's (optional) website
  -y, --yes                                 Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Delegate liquid tokens to a validator


Delegate an amount of liquid coins to a validator from your wallet.

Example: $ zetacored tx staking delegate zetavaloper1l2rsakp388kuv9k8qzq6lrm9taddae7fpx59wm 1000stake --from mykey

zetacored tx staking delegate [validator-addr] [amount] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for delegate
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


edit an existing validator account

zetacored tx staking edit-validator [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint          The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                          Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string        Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string              The network chain ID
      --commission-rate string       The new commission rate percentage
      --details string               The validator's (optional) details 
      --dry-run                      ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string           Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string             Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string                  Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string                  Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string                   gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float         adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string            Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only                Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                         help for edit-validator
      --identity string              The (optional) identity signature (ex. UPort or Keybase) 
      --keyring-backend string       Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string           The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                       Use a connected Ledger device
      --min-self-delegation string   The minimum self delegation required on the validator
      --new-moniker string           The validator's name 
      --node string                  [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string                  Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                      Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string                Output format (text|json) 
      --security-contact string      The validator's (optional) security contact email 
  -s, --sequence uint                The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string             Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint          Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string                   Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
      --website string               The validator's (optional) website 
  -y, --yes                          Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Redelegate illiquid tokens from one validator to another


Redelegate an amount of illiquid staking tokens from one validator to another.

Example: $ zetacored tx staking redelegate zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj zetavaloper1l2rsakp388kuv9k8qzq6lrm9taddae7fpx59wm 100stake --from mykey

zetacored tx staking redelegate [src-validator-addr] [dst-validator-addr] [amount] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for redelegate
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Unbond shares from a validator


Unbond an amount of bonded shares from a validator.

Example: $ zetacored tx staking unbond zetavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj 100stake --from mykey

zetacored tx staking unbond [validator-addr] [amount] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for unbond
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


validate transactions signatures


Print the addresses that must sign the transaction, those who have already signed it, and make sure that signatures are in the correct order.

The command would check whether all required signers have signed the transactions, whether the signatures were collected in the right order, and if the signature is valid over the given transaction. If the --offline flag is also set, signature validation over the transaction will be not be performed as that will require RPC communication with a full node.

zetacored tx validate-signatures [file] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for validate-signatures
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Vesting transaction subcommands

zetacored tx vesting [flags]


  -h, --help   help for vesting

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string     The network chain ID
      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Create a new vesting account funded with an allocation of tokens.


A sequence of coins and period length in seconds. Periods are sequential, in that the duration of of a period only starts at the end of the previous period. The duration of the first period starts upon account creation. For instance, the following periods.json file shows 20 "test" coins vesting 30 days apart from each other. Where periods.json contains:

	An array of coin strings and unix epoch times for coins to vest

{ "start_time": 1625204910, "periods":[ { "coins": "10test", "length_seconds":2592000 //30 days }, { "coins": "10test", "length_seconds":2592000 //30 days }, ] }

zetacored tx vesting create-periodic-vesting-account [to_address] [periods_json_file] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for create-periodic-vesting-account
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Create a new permanently locked account funded with an allocation of tokens.


Create a new account funded with an allocation of permanently locked tokens. These tokens may be used for staking but are non-transferable. Staking rewards will acrue as liquid and transferable tokens.

zetacored tx vesting create-permanent-locked-account [to_address] [amount] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for create-permanent-locked-account
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Create a new vesting account funded with an allocation of tokens.


Create a new vesting account funded with an allocation of tokens. The account can either be a delayed or continuous vesting account, which is determined by the '--delayed' flag. All vesting accounts created will have their start time set by the committed block's time. The end_time must be provided as a UNIX epoch timestamp.

zetacored tx vesting create-vesting-account [to_address] [amount] [end_time] [flags]


  -a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --aux                      Generate aux signer data instead of sending a tx
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async) 
      --chain-id string          The network chain ID
      --delayed                  Create a delayed vesting account if true
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible)
      --fee-granter string       Fee granter grants fees for the transaction
      --fee-payer string         Fee payer pays fees for the transaction instead of deducting from the signer
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate sufficient gas automatically. Note: "auto" option doesn't always report accurate results. Set a valid coin value to adjust the result. Can be used instead of "fees". (default 200000)
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 0.1uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase only accessed when providing a key name)
  -h, --help                     help for create-vesting-account
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory) 
      --keyring-dir string       The client Keyring directory; if omitted, the default 'home' directory will be used
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string              [host]:[port] to tendermint rpc interface for this chain 
      --note string              Note to add a description to the transaction (previously --memo)
      --offline                  Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality)
  -o, --output string            Output format (text|json) 
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --sign-mode string         Choose sign mode (direct|amino-json|direct-aux), this is an advanced feature
      --timeout-height uint      Set a block timeout height to prevent the tx from being committed past a certain height
      --tip string               Tip is the amount that is going to be transferred to the fee payer on the target chain. This flag is only valid when used with --aux, and is ignored if the target chain didn't enable the TipDecorator
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


validates the genesis file at the default location or at the location passed as an arg

zetacored validate-genesis [file] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for validate-genesis

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors


Print the application binary version information

zetacored version [flags]


  -h, --help            help for version
      --long            Print long version information
  -o, --output string   Output format (text|json) 

Options inherited from parent commands

      --home string         directory for config and data 
      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) 
      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) 
      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs
      --trace               print out full stack trace on errors